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Nylah the Herbal Alchemist

Clarity | Light of the Moon Mist

Regular price $12.00 USD
Regular price $12.00 USD Sale price $12.00 USD
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Receptive Inner Awareness

Walk into your destiny with clarity and ease. Anoint you sacred vessel with this mist to soothe inflammation and tighten pores. This mist of the moon will be a guiding light when darkness tries to consume. Embrace, recognize the shadow and release any fear. "Embrace grief, for there your soul will grow" -Carl Jung

Handmade Spiritual Cosmetics curated to invoke both physical and spiritual cleansing. Working with plant wisdom and planetary alignments to provide ritual based natural skincare. Move through the ebbs and flows of life with balance and ease. The perfect blend of plant synergies to comfort your soul back into a restful and regenerative state. 

 Words of Affirmation

They that walks through the dark night of the unconscious, guided only by the low light of the northern star, with their destination being home in themselves. As I took my break I ran away. I was never led astray, just arrived closer to the rain. Roots ran deep and I found my ease. Now I am free. So I ran back wondering what things had changed and what I needed to see. What I found was growth and beauty.  Truths never been told are now dripping with intimacy. Words unspoken are now words that have become streams. Making way, shifting and moving. They were growing right alongside me and all this time I carried worry. Now on my journey I learn there is no place for fear. I have been rebirthed and I found my home here. As I claim my own peace and tranquility I find they do too. Knowing life works in cycles and my bloodline is breaking karmic ties and setting fires too. So as we say goodbye to the people we used to be, we welcome in new hope and new ways of thinking.

Eucalyptus Creates firm boundaries and cleanses excess energy. Works as an expectorant to help move chest congestion, an astringent tightening skin cells and prevents viral infections. 

Hemlock "Tsuga " meaning the Mother of Trees in Japanese.  A great remedy for wet cough serving as a Respiratory System Tonic. Hemlock is Vitamin C rich and warming internally and externally. Also can be used topically as a chest rub or dried for tea. Hemlock guides the mind to expansion without the fears interrupting the action to create change simultaneously comforting the unconscious mind through the storm.

Holy Basil Uplifts, brings clarity and creates resilience to physical stress of the body or environment, Adaptogen. Contains Eugenol protecting the physical body from bacterial infections & parasites.

Witch Hazel This beautiful tree can bring sun to any dark situation. Providing some clarity on the natural rhythms of life. Being that the world works in a cyclical pattern and although we may be experiencing discomfort at the moment, shortly spring will come again. Medicinally this plant has been steam distilled to make a topical toner to soothe skin irritations, inflammation, shrink pores and combat acne.

Florida Water Named after the “Fountain of Youth” used in many spiritual practices to enhance the intention and cleanse space of any stagnant energy.